Meet the illustrator


Samuel Silva, born in São Paulo in 1985, began his artistic studies at the age of 15. As an illustrator and visual artist, he honed his skills at Quanta Academia de Artes, specializing in Illustration. He worked in various art and design studios in São Paulo for the editorial sector, illustrating numerous editorial collections aimed at Early Childhood Education, Elementary, and Higher Education.


With a degree in Biological Sciences from Universidade Metropolitana de Santos, he specialized in the field of scientific illustration, which now plays a crucial role in mediating the understanding of scientific concepts in various educational materials. His extensive experience includes creating scientific illustrations for significant national and international publishers.

Samuel Silva


Scientific Illustrator, Skateboarder, Vegetarian, TDAH, TEA and Dad. Seeking to express Science through Art.



Selected Clients:  FTD Educação, Editora Moderna, LeYa Educação, Kroton Educacional, SOMOS Educação, POSITIVO Educação, Editora ESCALA, Editora Abril, Global Editora, Editora Ática, Editora Scipione and a lot of Magazines and Newspapers worldwide.